Friday, January 18, 2008

Prologue: "When it Rains in Asia"

The gods of graduate school certainly look upon us second-years favorably: our classes and finals wrap up well before the undergrads start studying for theirs which provides us ample time to commit to some adventures prior to returning for our final semester of business school (5 weeks to be exact).

After celebrating the holidays with the fam, I trudged back from Kansas City to San Francisco to quickly pack for a trip to the Phillippines, Vietnam and Cambodia with some school friends. I won't bore you with the cancelled flights and Denver snowstorm that threatened a timely departure, yet, as seems to be the case with me, drama abounded.

So, after 3 weeks, 3 countries, 12 flights, 6 ferries, one hysterically funny drunk tuc-tuc driver, sketchy cabs, weird bug bites, one lost international plane ticket and one near-fatal expensive camera "misplace," I've made it back to San Francisco safe and sound.

And so the story begins ...

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